Welcome to My Almond Tree Shop & Wonderland Tie-Dye Co!
We are pleased to provide a variety of options for embroidery, health & wellness, tie-dye clothing, hand-made jewelry, soy candles & wax, and a variety of incense.
We always take suggestions as to what you would like to see in our shop!!
Enjoy your visit and come back soon!
Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest
Jamie Tedrick-Monroe
#Safe2Talk2 #BeTheVoice2023
so, my name is Jamie.
I am a person in recovery. Been clean for 13 years now from a 12 year opiate addiction. Only by the grace of God that I am where I am. I have a little shop where I use my creative side to do sewing, embroidery, tie-dye, candles, etc and support for other local artisans). I am a counselor currently trying to step away from FT into PT in order to do more street ministry & hence the start of Safe2Talk2 & BeTheVoice2023...
I started Safe2Talk2 around 2011(ish) as a page to help me process life on life terms after my late husband had passed. Now it's become my mission to help others find what was so freely given to me. Freedom. This year, I started the BeTheVoice2023 as a way to show others the door. I cant expect others to walk thru a door if they have never been shown the door to begin with.I'm trying to be a beacon of light while finding a place I fit in...
#Safe2Talk2 #BeTheVoice2023
"I’d like to introduce myself and say thank you to all for your interest in my work.
I’ve always had an interest in arts. Never really finding my passion in any specific form, but loving the freedom that came from any kind of artistic expression. I have such a great passion to reach the world, and unite people in awareness and love from one corner of the globe to the next! My hope is to take a portion of all profits and give to a specific cause or organization throughout the world on a monthly or yearly basis. Come take a look at the unique pieces I make, and be a part of something bigger than you or me! Together we can change circumstances one community at a time!"